This paragraph contains drug addiction facts on how to see if your child is on drugs. All the information below may vary depending on which drugs your child is using. For Example if your child is using heroin his pupils will be very small when he is high and if your child is using cocaine or acid his pupils will be over sized. You will also notice that your child will ether be more sleepy than normal or very more active than normal & your child will become overly calm or excessively aggressive. The drug addicted person will also display signs of suspicious behavior & they will try to avoid you as much as possible. Very often the activities they are the most interested in will go out the window. There will also be things that start to go missing out of your house like money, tools, TV’s, cell phones, computers and even food out the freezer. The things going missing will always be things that can be resold for cash & the first things to go will be things that are not used as much & when it starts to get very bad they will not care if you see it or not they will just take it. Drug addicts will be late 99% of the time that is if they even show up at all & when you do see them they usually just want money. They will also always have a 101 excuses & a story for everything. The more drugs they are using the more unbelievable the stories will get, so start listening to the voice inside you that tells you something is wrong & don’t be afraid to get your child tested even if you don’t have proof. Remember urine drug tests can always be cheated; instead just do a blood test so that you may know what is really going on!
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts on what drove your child to drugs. If you have tested your child & you know that he is using drugs, try to sit him/her down & talk to him/her about the problem. Just remember if your child is on drugs he or she is not your innocent little child anymore & he/she will do anything to get his/her next fix & remember its not your little child talking it is the drugs. Most kids can’t deal very well with emotions & that frustrates them because they don’t know how to deal with it & they don’t want to ask for advice ether because they will feel humiliated. Another big contributor to teenage drug addiction is if they were molested, raped or bullied in school. Family problems can also lead to drug abuse in teenagers for example parents that get divorced confuse the kids very much because they don’t understand it, they think that mommy or daddy don’t love us anymore so just sit them down and explain to them that mommy & daddy don’t get along any more and that its not there fault. Wealthy families mostly think that money fixes anything & if you just keep giving your child money & you don’t spend enough time with them they will get bored & most likely turn to drugs, to get some adventure in there lives. So spend some time with you child it won’t kill you. Never just talk to your child because sometimes you have to listen. 9 out of 10 times your child will only ask for help when it is almost too late that is if they even come & ask for help.
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts on what drugs your child might be using. There are so many different types of drugs but here is a list of the most common ones that most people use, from the weakest to the strongest.
Weed/Marijuana, Inhalants like lighter gas, glue or petrol, Ecstasy, LSD/Magic mushrooms, Cocaine, Prescription drugs/Central nervous system suppressants, Codeine based pain killers, Crack, Crystal meth/Tik, Heroin.
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts about what your child will do to get drugs. Your child will constantly be asking you for money till he/she sees that you are starting to ask questions. If your child has a job he will be stealing from work especially if he/she has access to the till & he/she will not stop till they get bust but then it is too late. If your child has access to a car he will also transport other drug addicts to the dealer for drugs & in some cases even take the dealer to go pick up stock from his supplier. Soon after they will start to sell the family’s possessions for there next fix & soon after that they will start to shop lift & they will also start to rob people like grab & run to support there drug habit. As there drug habit picks up they will even start to sell drugs to buy drugs, then they will start to rob dealers & believe me this is something that you don’t want your child to do because if a dealer catches your child they will kill him/her because they don’t take very lightly to loosing money! Some teenagers even go as far as selling there bodies for sex just to get some money for another fix. Believe me when I tell you that drugs take over your lives you don’t even think for yourself anymore they start thinking for you & that’s when you start knocking on deaths door!
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts about long term effects of drug use. These long term effects that I describe below are long term heroin effects. Bad Teeth: your teeth will start to rot & you will have inflammation of the gums. You will get so constipated that no matter what you use to try to soften your stomach it will not work at all. You will get the cold sweats when you don’t use for a day & if you have been using you will itch like crazy. You will also struggle with you immune system because it will just keep getting weaker & weaker. You can over dose at anytime & end up in a coma if you are lucky & if your not you will just die. You will also start having respiratory illnesses & muscular weakness.
You will defiantly have a reduced sexual capacity and long term impotency in men & menstrual disturbances in woman. You will have a major case of memory loss & loss of intellectual performance. You will also get a case of introversion & major depression. You will brake out with pustules all over your body & face. You will have a loss of appetite & it is so bad that when you check again you weigh less than 60 kg. If you did not use you will have insomnia so bad that if you sleep for a half an hour a night you would have slept a lot.
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts on why you child thinks it is OK to use drugs. When I was young you were an out cast if you were addicted to drugs but some how it has changed & now you are not cool if you are not using drug. According to modern day society it is normal & acceptable to be addicted. Your child also sees his friends using so he/she thinks it is acceptable & he knows that if he does not use with his friends he will loose them as friends. Another big contributor is television, your child sees people using drug & they start to think it is normal.
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts on what your influence is on your child & his drug use. Most parents promise there kids so many things & they never deliver, that really hurts your children because it feels to them that you forgot about them or just don’t care. A lot of parents never say that they are proud of there kids, Just remember that if your child doesn’t get acceptance at home they will look for it somewhere else. Wealthy parents normally think that money can fix anything. Some parents even think that there kids can smell that they love them, remember if you don’t tell your child that you love him/her they will not know it. If your kids cause trouble don’t get frustrated & try to ignore them, rather sit them down & talk to them about what they did wrong. In certain instances you need to give you child freedom of choice because you can’t always force them to do every thing you want them to do. Communication is the key to a good relationship that means not always talking you need to listen as well.
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts on what to do if your child is using drugs. You usually can’t get your child into a good rehab right away so rather give them the money for there drugs than letting them carry on stealing if you have the money, because if they end up in the prison system it will only make the drug problem worst. By giving them money to get there drugs you can still sort of control how much drugs they use by keeping them at home and taking them to get there drugs, but do not try to take away all the drugs right away till you can get them into a rehab; because if you had to take away all the drug it could cause them to run away or decide not to go to rehab, especially when they start with withdrawals. Remember the prison system will make the drug problem worst, it might even push you child to suicide.
This paragraph contains drug addiction facts on how to start helping you child to get off drugs. You as a parent has two options, option one is the rehab way or the home rehab way. The rehab way will be more costly & the home rehab way will be very hard work because you will have to watch your child 24/7. If you go the rehab way then remember that if you child used hard core drugs like heroin you will have to make sure you child goes to rehab for at least six months minimum. Remember in a rehab there are a lot of people that can influence you child to run away or to make a plan to get drug or even to use drugs with them. If you go the home rehab way then there are some prescription drugs that can help to just take the edge off for the first week, like physheptone, subetone or subetex. If you go the home rehab way then your child must have made up his mind that he/she wants to be clean for the rest of his/her life not only a week or a month. In rehab you never really know what is going on for example in my second rehab I was physically attacked daily by the people running the rehab. Most importantly if you go into rehab with the wrong attitude you will just be wasting your time & money because you will start using again very soon after you leave the rehab center.