Hi I will be talking about my second rehab that I attended today.
I will not name the name of this rehab for personal reasons but if you know anything about the toughest rehabs in South-Africa you will know exactly what I am talking about! Being in hell would be nicer than being in this hell hole of a place. It’s hot as hell in the summer and it snows in the winter. No matter if its 100 degrees Celsius or -100 degrees Celsius they make you work and if you don't work you don't eat, no matter if you are still going through withdrawal or if you are dieing from cancer they don't give a SHIT.
The program at this rehab consists of work, work and more yes you guessed it more work! The question I would like to ask them is how can you put a recovering junkie that has not even been clean for a year in charge of another recovering junkie that is twice his age???? Now you have a bit of back round about this place let me start to tell you about my time in this Demonic hell hole.
I had come out of my previous rehab and I was still addicted to heroin, crack and weed with out anybody knowing about it so I had a lot of freedom because every body thought I was clean. I was out of rehab for about six months before anybody started to notice that something was not right because every bodies money was going missing and things out the house was going missing (Electronics, Tools, Cell Phones, Money & even food out the freezer) and I was never at home I would leave at nine or ten in the morning and only return at ten or eleven at night, and the times I was home I would be falling asleep all the time or I would be moaning about pain because of withdrawals. So my mother started to check up on me to see what I was up to when I was not home and she used to go through my cupboards to see if I was hiding things. One day out of the blue when I got home my mother was waiting for me and she had a drug test in her hand, she wanted to test me so that is how I got bust eventually. That night my parents sat me down and they told me that they will be sending me to rehab again, I on the other hand was not very happy with that arrangement because I did not really want to stop abusing drugs but I agreed to it in the end just to get them off my back. So they made the arrangements for me to go!
I did not want to go so badly that I even considered to run away, in the end of the day I did not run away just to make my parents happy. A day or two later we got in the car and we drove that 1000KM or so to the Karoo rehabilitation center. All the way to the rehab I was so paranoid because of every thing I had heard about this place so I was using weed just smoking all the time because I started to withdraw form heroin as I had used the day before last, even before I went in to the center I smoked about three joints just to chill a bit; I really did not want to do this. So eventually I went in and my parents left. Then hell started, they searched my bags and signed me in, they told me that I would have three days of grace as they called it. grace means that for three days they would leave you be so you could just get over the worst withdrawal symptoms but the very next day they woke me at 05h00 to start cleaning the building and I only slept like 45min the night before, my withdrawal was so bad that I actually soiled my pants and I was puking the whole night. So I was wondering what happened about the three days of grace well guess what they only say that to set you family’s minds at ease. In other words three days of grace was a lie! This place would not even give you anything for sleeping or for the withdrawal pain its a "cold turkey" rehab, they don't even have a nurse there its just one of the inmates that hand out the pills to people that have to take prescription pills. I would like to know what they would do if somebody heart stopped because of withdrawals and it has happened before and its not that the hospital is just down the road ether, the hospital is about half an hours drive away. They had a nurse for a couple of days but the nurse ran away with one of the inmates! Another stupid thing was that the guys was not allowed to look or talk to the ladies and if you did they would send you to "C.I." that stands for correctional intervention and believe you me that you would pray to rather go to prison then to c.i. This is what happened in c.i. When I got there they locked me in a cage that is about 1x1x1meter and they put you in there with only your undies on & they give you a blanket but they wet it with water and jaysfluied no mater if its winter or summer and they give you a bucket to use as a toilet and all you get to eat if you lucky is less than a half a cup of soggy food ones a day and on top of all of that they play a tape with screeching sounds 24/7 so by the time you get out there your barking mad and you don't think striate anymore!
If you have ever worked with a recovering junkie you will know that they do not work with you if you have not won there trust or if they do not want to be clean! So at this place even if they don't like you or if you stand up for your self they will send you to c.i. just because they can and in c.i. if your not in the cage they make you do drills till you puke and then they keep going but the thing with me was I was playing ice hockey before I went there so I was very fit so they said to me they will make me puke and I laughed at them, they got irritated so they drilled the shit out of me and after every body was puking I was still going and they would just keep giving me more exercises and they could not get me to give up eventually five hours after we started the guy drilling us got so frustrated that he came running up to me and he kicked me in the ribs and he broke two or three ribs and just to spite him I got back up and started again. He could not handle that and he started to attack me and he broke two of my teeth, two blue eyes, broken nose & two or three broken ribs! The next day I asked them to go to the Dr because my teeth started to get infected then they would tell me there is a three day waiting period so I would wait, then three days later I would go ask again and I would see there is a new list for people who wants to see the Dr so then they would put my name on the list again and tell me it will be three days again and it carried on like that for about four or five weeks and at the end of the day I just left it. When I was supposed to get my first weekend where my family could come they cancels it because my eyes were still blue so they would not let my parents see me and wile all of this was happening they would not even let my parents phone me I could not even talk to them. So eventually when they let my family come and visit I talked to them about every thing that happened and they decided to let me go home rather than letting me get killed in this place. There was somebody that got killed in this rehab they got chained to a gate in there underwear in the middle of winter and when he could not hold himself up any more he got choked to death by the chain and the rehab just covered it up just like every thing else that they do that they are not allowed to do! Every night when I pray, I pray that not even my worst enemy ever has to go through what I went through! And once again after leaving this rehab i was not even clean for 12 hours before i was high as a kite!
I will be writing about my last rehab in the next week.
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